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Average Cost Estimation for Web Design Services in Nepal

Chandan Chaurasia
Chandan Chaurasia

This article features detailed cost estimation in Nepali currency (NPR) for website design, development, branding and rebranding which may also include logo design, color palettes generation and color guides, typography selection, usage and guide, and social media posts involving post guidelines, brand usage in posts and marketing guides. Prices can vary significantly based on the complexity of the project, the experience of the designer, and the specific requirements of the client. The prices mentioned in the article are basically for small to medium sized businesses that need digital and web presence with affordable cost structure.

Below are typical cost ranges for these services for small to medium sized businesses based on market research and industry standards in Nepal.

Cost Estimation for Design Services in Nepal

1. Logo Design

Basic Logo Design:

  • Initial Concepts (2-3): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Revisions (up to 2): NPR 2,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Final Logo Files (JPEG, PNG, SVG): NPR 3,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Total: NPR 10,000 - NPR 20,000

Advanced Logo Design:

  • Initial Concepts (4-6): NPR 10,000 - NPR 20,000
  • Revisions (up to 5): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Final Logo Files (JPEG, PNG, SVG, EPS, AI): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Brand Guide (logo usage, variations): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Total: NPR 25,000 - NPR 50,000

2. Color Palettes and Guides

Basic Color Palette:

  • Initial Color Options (2-3): NPR 2,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Final Color Palette (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): NPR 3,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Total: NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000

Detailed Color Scheme:

  • Initial Color Options (4-6): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Final Color Palette with Variations: NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Color Guide (usage for web, print): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Total: NPR 15,000 - NPR 30,000

3. Typography

Basic Typography Selection:

  • Initial Font Options (2-3 pairs): NPR 2,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Final Typography Selection: NPR 3,000 - NPR 5,000
  • Total: NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000

Detailed Typography Guide:

  • Initial Font Options (4-6 pairs): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Final Typography Selection: NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Typography Guide (usage, hierarchy, pairing): NPR 5,000 - NPR 10,000
  • Total: NPR 15,000 - NPR 30,000

4. Social Media Posts

Single Post Design:

  • Basic Post (static image): NPR 1,000 - NPR 1,500
  • Advanced Post (animation, interactive elements): NPR 1,500 - NPR 2,500
  • Total per post: NPR 1,000 - NPR 2,500

Monthly Package (15-20 posts):

  • Basic Posts (static images, 15 posts): NPR 15,000 - NPR 22,500
  • Advanced Posts (including some animations, 15 posts): NPR 22,500 - NPR 37,500
  • Total for 15 posts: NPR 15,000 - NPR 37,500
  • Total for 20 posts: NPR 20,000 - NPR 50,000

5. Intern Mentorship

Weekly 2-3 Hours Mentorship:

  • Mid-level Professional Mentorship: NPR 1,000 - NPR 2,000 per hour
  • Weekly Charge (2-3 hours): NPR 2,000 - NPR 6,000
  • Monthly Charge (4 weeks): NPR 8,000 - NPR 24,000

6. Web Design and Rebranding

Basic Web Design:

  • Single Page Website: NPR 20,000 - NPR 40,000
  • Multi-Page Website (up to 5 pages): NPR 50,000 - NPR 80,000
  • Total: NPR 20,000 - NPR 80,000

Advanced Web Design:

  • Multi-Page Website (more than 5 pages): NPR 80,000 - NPR 150,000
  • E-commerce Website: NPR 150,000 - NPR 300,000
  • Custom Features (CMS, API integration, etc.): NPR 20,000 - NPR 50,000
  • Total: NPR 100,000 - NPR 350,000

Website Rebranding:

  • Content Update: NPR 10,000 - NPR 30,000
  • Design Overhaul (UI/UX improvements): NPR 40,000 - NPR 100,000
  • SEO Optimization: NPR 20,000 - NPR 50,000
  • Total: NPR 70,000 - NPR 180,000

Comprehensive Branding Packages

Basic Package:

  • Logo Design: NPR 15,000 (average)
  • Color Palette: NPR 7,500 (average)
  • Typography: NPR 7,500 (average)
  • Social Media Posts (15 posts): NPR 20,000 (average)
  • Intern Mentorship (monthly): NPR 12,000 (average)
  • Basic Web Design: NPR 50,000 (average)
  • Total: NPR 112,000 (average)

Advanced Package:

  • Logo Design: NPR 37,500 (average)
  • Color Palette: NPR 22,500 (average)
  • Typography: NPR 22,500 (average)
  • Social Media Posts (20 posts): NPR 45,000 (average)
  • Intern Mentorship (monthly): NPR 16,000 (average)
  • Advanced Web Design: NPR 200,000 (average)
  • Website Rebranding: NPR 125,000 (average)
  • Total: NPR 468,500 (average)

Let's provide an example breakdown for both a basic and an advanced package, including specific elements and their associated costs in Nepali currency (NPR). This will give a clearer picture of what each package entails.

Example Breakdown: Basic Package

  1. Logo Design

    • Initial Concepts (2-3): NPR 7,000
    • Revisions (up to 2): NPR 3,000
    • Final Logo Files: NPR 5,000
    • Total: NPR 15,000
  2. Color Palettes

    • Initial Color Options (2-3): NPR 3,000
    • Final Color Palette: NPR 4,500
    • Total: NPR 7,500
  3. Typography

    • Initial Font Options (2-3 pairs): NPR 3,000
    • Final Typography Selection: NPR 4,500
    • Total: NPR 7,500
  4. Social Media Posts

    • 15 Basic Posts: NPR 20,000
    • Total: NPR 20,000
  5. Intern Mentorship

    • Weekly 2-3 Hours (4 weeks): NPR 12,000
    • Total: NPR 12,000
  6. Basic Web Design

    • Multi-Page Website (up to 5 pages): NPR 50,000
    • Total: NPR 50,000

Overall Total average for Basic Package: NPR 112,000

Example Breakdown: Advanced Package

  1. Logo Design

    • Initial Concepts (4-6): NPR 15,000
    • Revisions (up to 5): NPR 10,000
    • Final Logo Files: NPR 7,500
    • Brand Guide: NPR 5,000
    • Total: NPR 37,500
  2. Color Palettes

    • Initial Color Options (4-6): NPR 7,500
    • Final Color Palette with Variations: NPR 7,500
    • Color Guide: NPR 7,500
    • Total: NPR 22,500
  3. Typography

    • Initial Font Options (4-6 pairs): NPR 7,500
    • Final Typography Selection: NPR 7,500
    • Typography Guide: NPR 7,500
    • Total: NPR 22,500
  4. Social Media Posts

    • 20 Advanced Posts: NPR 45,000
    • Total: NPR 45,000
  5. Intern Mentorship

    • Weekly 2-3 Hours (4 weeks): NPR 16,000
    • Total: NPR 16,000
  6. Advanced Web Design

    • Multi-Page Website (more than 5 pages): NPR 120,000
    • Custom Features: NPR 30,000
    • Total: NPR 150,000
  7. Website Rebranding

    • Content Update: NPR 20,000
    • Design Overhaul: NPR 70,000
    • SEO Optimization: NPR 35,000
    • Total: NPR 125,000

Overall Total average for Advanced Package: NPR 418,500 

The updated detailed breakdown above now includes costs for web design and rebranding, providing a comprehensive overview of the expenses involved in website branding and rebranding in Nepal. 


Basic Package: NPR 112,000

  • Logo Design: NPR 15,000
  • Color Palettes: NPR 7,500
  • Typography: NPR 7,500
  • Social Media Posts (15 posts): NPR 20,000
  • Intern Mentorship: NPR 12,000
  • Basic Web Design: NPR 50,000

Advanced Package: NPR 418,500

  • Logo Design: NPR 37,500
  • Color Palettes: NPR 22,500
  • Typography: NPR 22,500
  • Social Media Posts (20 posts): NPR 45,000
  • Intern Mentorship: NPR 16,000
  • Advanced Web Design: NPR 150,000
  • Website Rebranding: NPR 125,000

This detailed example breakdown above gives a clear idea of the specific costs associated with each element in both a basic and an advanced package for website design/development along with branding and rebranding in Nepal

Additional Considerations

  1. Freelancer vs. Agency: Agencies may charge more but offer comprehensive and cohesive services, including strategy and implementation.
  2. Revisions and Iterations: The number of revisions can impact the final cost. Ensure the number of revisions included in the initial quote.
  3. Project Timeline: Expedited timelines may incur additional costs.
  4. Scope and Complexity: The complexity of the design elements and the level of detail required will affect pricing.

This comprehensive estimate covers all the major aspects of branding and digital presence. Adjustments can be made based on specific needs and the scope of the project.

For precise quotes, it is advisable to contact local designers or agencies with your specific requirements.
